Our Emergency Medical Services
We strive to deliver the highest level of patient care with the latest techniques and advancements in emergency medicine. Each ambulance is staffed with highly trained personnel in emergency medicine. Many of our members live in remote areas and respond directly to the scene and provide emergency care on scene until the ambulance arrives to transport the sick or injured patient to an appropriate medical facility. Our services are tiered to provide the fastest and most advanced care as possible in such a rural and frontier community. Our emergency medical personnel carry the most advanced equipment that they can in their kits to help deliver life saving care to our patients. We also utilize Registered Nurses, Doctors, and Family Nurse Practitioners who live or work in our community to provide advanced life support in the absence of a Paramedic. We also utilize a flight service which can transport patients to Pueblo Colorado, Denver Colorado, Colorado Springs Colorado, Garden City Kansas, Wichita Kansas and Amarillo Texas to a higher level of care when needed.
Services we provide to our Community
Our Chief and members believe that anything is possible through education. We offer classes, many of which are free of charge to the community and to new and future members of our service. We also participate in the 9News Health Fair by providing ambulance standby as well as highly trained staff to supplement and support the medical staff for the influx of patients during the health fair. This also helps our members stay fresh on many skills that they use. We also promote safety through prevention at the health fair with a booth to educate attendees how to prevent trips, slips and falls as well as educate them about our ambulance service and our capabilities. Some our courses we offer are listed below. If you have something specific you or your organization requires just ask us if we can help you.
American Heart Association Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid - We currently offer Healthcare Provider and Heartsaver or community CPR. We can do a class for a family or for your organization or job site. Just contact us to setup a date and time to do the class. We currently have four American Heart Association Instructors on staff to accommodate your needs.
American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) - We currently have an instructor through the American Safety and Health Institute that can instructor courses in CPR and First Aid through ASHI as well as the Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness Emergency Care, Child and Babysitting Safety and Emergency Medical Responder.
We also assist our school districts in completing CPR and AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) Training yearly. We would be glad to help you or your organization learn the steps in saving a life. Don't wait a life may depend on you at any moment.
The five links in the chain of survival are early activation of the emergency response system, early CPR, rapid defibrillation, effective advanced care, integrated post-cardiac arrest care.
American Heart Association Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid - We currently offer Healthcare Provider and Heartsaver or community CPR. We can do a class for a family or for your organization or job site. Just contact us to setup a date and time to do the class. We currently have four American Heart Association Instructors on staff to accommodate your needs.
American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) - We currently have an instructor through the American Safety and Health Institute that can instructor courses in CPR and First Aid through ASHI as well as the Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness Emergency Care, Child and Babysitting Safety and Emergency Medical Responder.
We also assist our school districts in completing CPR and AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) Training yearly. We would be glad to help you or your organization learn the steps in saving a life. Don't wait a life may depend on you at any moment.
The five links in the chain of survival are early activation of the emergency response system, early CPR, rapid defibrillation, effective advanced care, integrated post-cardiac arrest care.